Shipping Policy

Jewel Bazar Shipping Policy Overview

General Overview

At Jewel Bazar, we strive to maintain accurate stock availability on our website. However, occasional discrepancies may occur. In such cases, we will fulfill the available products and provide options for back-ordered items.

Shipping Timeframes

We aim to ensure timely delivery of your order. Once confirmed, orders are typically processed within 24 hours. Delivery times usually range between 3 to 7 working days, depending on your location and product availability.

Please note that orders placed on Sundays and national holidays in Pakistan will be processed and dispatched on the next working day. During peak shopping seasons or high-demand periods, delivery times may be extended.

Order Confirmation

To enhance your shopping experience, our customer support team will reach out to confirm each order via call, SMS, or WhatsApp, particularly for new customers. This step ensures accurate order processing and provides any necessary information for a seamless transaction.

Changes to Delivery Address

If you need to update your delivery address, we can accommodate your request before the order has been dispatched. Please contact our support team for assistance.


Once an order has been processed, we are unable to cancel it. If you wish to cancel before receiving your order, please refer to our refund policy for the necessary steps.

Delayed Deliveries

If your order exceeds the estimated delivery time, please contact us so we can initiate an investigation with our shipping partners.

National Holidays and Warehouse Hours

Our operations run from Monday to Saturday during regular business hours, except on national holidays. While our warehouse remains closed on these holidays, we take proactive measures to minimize shipping delays.

Damaged Parcels in Transit

If you receive a damaged parcel:

  • If possible, reject the parcel at the time of delivery and notify us immediately.
  • If the parcel was delivered in your absence and you later discover damage, please reach out to our customer service team for assistance.

Out-of-Stock Items

If an item in your order is out of stock, we will delay dispatch until it becomes available. Any available items in your order will be reserved while we restock the missing product.

Shipping Partners

We have partnered with reliable courier services to ensure safe and timely deliveries, including Call Courier, BlueEx, Trax, TCS, and Leopards Courier.

Handling Lost or Damaged Packages

  • For damaged packages: We will initiate a refund or replacement once the courier service completes its investigation.
  • For lost packages: We will process a refund or send a replacement once the courier confirms the parcel as lost.

Contact Us

For any shipping-related inquiries or concerns, please reach out to our customer support team:
📞 WhatsApp: 03391002031
📧 Email:

Thank you for choosing Jewel Bazar. We appreciate your trust and look forward to providing you with high-quality products and reliable shipping services.